Club System DEMO Site
Club System Demo Site

Version 10

v10.04 (available Nov 2015)

  • Booking - add guests gender field (controlled by ShowGuestGender  param)
  • Booking - add ability to set max number of nights a member is  allowed to book in any booking period
  • Booking - add ability to set which day of the week the first night in a booking can be (booking openings)
  • Booking - add booking periods to staggered booking periods - so  can set opening dates for particular booking periods (controlled by  CheckBookingPeriodForBookingOpening parameter)
  • Booking - disable all interactions (including cancelling) during  disabled booking period
  • Booking - show requested and held beds (when using SYB) on bunk  list and availability
  • Booking - remove booking fee and any other invoice lines when  expire a booking
  • Financial - add CBA payments
  • Financial - update so invoices switch to over due based on  overdue date, not invoicesduewithin parameter
  • Financial - changes for URL
  • Financial - after committee transferring money, when click view  financial summary link takes to members own view, not committee view of  that member
  • Financial - when save a status, need to update a fee, not  delete, as if delete then doesn't recognise already have generated an  invoice for that member and fee
  • General - ability to add all members in a membership status to a  new work party
  • General - Add work party fields to contact member form General - Icicles specific tasks to generate work party fees,  MYOB invoices & member reports and generate balancing work parties
  • General - members lists in dual select boxes are not in  alphabetical order
  • General - rename staggered booking periods to booking opening  periods (to remove confusion) 

v10.02 (available 2 August 2015)

  • Admin - make sure can't delete or edit SYS status (as this is required for EM Dev login for support)
  • Booking - add child age to bed list screen view
  • Booking - fix availability calendar not displaying properly in Safari or when reduce width of screen
  • Booking - fix booking conditions not working when only a single lodge (gives mandatory field error)
  • Booking - fix duplicates shown in admin > booking emails page for editing booking emails
  • Booking - fix issue when adding people / nights to a booking, if already have expired nights then has issue with bunk ids and holds those bunks
  • Booking - hide single / double column on edit beds when not using SYB
  • Booking - fix new more details link on bookings doesn't show full content when lots of people in booking - needs max height and scroll bar
  • Financial - fix when cancel a part paid invoice, its giving transaction back for the full amount (not taking in account payment which should be created as credit note)
  • General - allow .xlsx files to be uploaded
  • General - ability to restrict pages within the members area to membership status (edit on Admin > Menus & Pages)
  • General - only display those pages in the nav that members can access (controlled by parameter ShowRestrictedPages)
  • Report - add membership category to lockers report
  • Report - fix deleted lockers appearing in lockers report

v10.01 (available 14 April 2015)

  • Booking ­ add bed names to bunk list in screen view (parameter: BunkListScreenShowBedNames)
  • Booking ­ allow max number of nights available in a single booking to be more than 7 (parameter: MaxNightsInBooking ) 
  • Booking ­ change day displayed in bed list screen to be current day ­ 1 (parameter: BunkListScreenFirstDay)
  • Booking  change show details links on Manage Booking page to a single More Details link that opens in a new window (which allows to display more than 7 nights)
  • Booking ­ fix for when have two lodges, and change lodge officer for one lodge, it clears for the other lodge 
  • Booking ­ in change bed type page, add "select" to drop downs so can change all to bunk without changing to twin first 
  • Financial ­ Add booking fee and correction to invoice line types Financial ­ fix for charging correct amount on invoice when accepting a booking with non­default bed type and booking payment model = accept 
  • Financial ­ fix to ignore deleted invoice lines when checking whether to create a line for the selected year
  • Financial ­ remove references from payment complete screen unless is on (only available for USA clubs) 
  • General ­ add balance (total num days) column to work parties on family summary page 
  • General ­ add DOB as field for Contact Members message
  • General ­ add Save & Continue Edit button to Menus & Pages, and link to view page once saved to make editing pages and viewing edits easier
  • General ­ add template option to menus & pages to allow for page with no headers etc to be created (and for additional templates to be more easily added in the future)
  • General ­ fix to open uploaded file correctly when not logged in 
  • General ­ Make page design responsive so can be wider depending on screen size (may need separate tweaks for certain clubs ­ please ask) 
  • General ­ upgrade botdetect to later version so will work on lower levels of trust on new hosting
  • Reports ­ add family master ID and fix view invoice column on purchases report